This is Our Shared City

The Student Community Partnership (or SCP) is a joint venture between the Higher Education Institutions in Bath and the B&NES Council to improve the relationship between long-term and student residents living in Bath – Our Shared City.

The eight parnters are:

The SCP supports student and permanent residents in coming together and living collaboratively in the community of Bath.

The SCP campagns for neighbourly relations, safety, sustainabilty, and other aspects of community awareness.

We facilitate opportunities for volunteering and we promote active citizenship. The Partnership helps all residents to work together for the benefit of the community and ensures all residents have an active voice.

The SCP offers support when issues arise as we all live life together, and is here for the community of Bath as we all share our city.

Please contact us with suggestions and any concerns that you would like addressed by the SCP email

Moving In

Looking for support on moving-in or out of Bath? The SCP can help

Living in your Neighbourhood

Knowing the local chemist or your ward’s Councillors are important parts of living in your neighbourhood

Our Environment

As a shared city, there are many ways residents can help take care of Bath’s environment

River & Nightlife Safety

Walk home with friends, not alone


Anti-harassment and bullying Initiatives

Waste and Recycling

How we dispose of waste and recycling can have a large impact
