Introducing Our New Community Wardens
Joe Dyke and Kathryn Jones are the Community Wardens for the Student Community Partnership. Our aim is to be on hand to improve the experience for all residents in areas where students are living. We focus particularly on the appearance of student HMOs (houses of multiple occupation) and the environment around them. Sustainability is a passion of ours and we are experts in recycling! We like to share our knowledge and are happy to help you get on top of your rubbish! You may see us on your street out on our daily walking rounds or on one of our monthly litter picks in our fetching blue uniforms. If you want any help or advice about living in Bath come and talk to us!
Get to know Joe and Kathryn:
Where is your favourite place to eat in Bath?
Joe – Schwartz Burgers for a veggie burger!
Kathryn – Pintxos for tapas!
What is your favourite thing to do in Bath?
Joe – I would go for a stroll in Victoria Park.
Kathryn – I would walk along the Linear path.
What would you do on an unexpected afternoon off?
Joe – I’d go for a cycle ride along the Bristol to Bath cycle path.
Kathryn – I’d go to a nice country pub for lunch with friends, maybe visit a National Trust property, like Woodchester Park.
What is your favourite film?
Joe, La Hain – French art film about police treatment of Parisien teenagers in the 90s.
Kathryn Harry Potter series – for the nostalgia and comfort.
What aspect of your role do you most enjoy?
Joe – For me its getting out and about in the community, meeting students and other residents offering a helping hand if and when it’s needed.
Kathryn – I would say the volunteering aspects of our work – helping the students who are having a positive impact on their communities.
Joe and Kathryn are out on their rounds every day. To see their routes, click here.